About us

Capstone Invest Ltd. is a holding company whose task is to coordinate the activities of the companies already belonging to the group and to ensure the optimal use of their resources.
The holding company is responsible for preparing the companies for future investments, carrying out due diligence and valuations for company acquisitions, as well as providing the financial resources necessary for investments and company acquisitions.
We invest in Hungarian agriculture because we believe that our environmental features and the expertise available in the country will provide long-term earnings for our owners and colleagues.
The world has seen many technological changes throughout history and we are facing many changes even now. But one thing is certain: we will need food for a long time to come.
The greatest asset of our businesses is the people who work in them. Our owners and managers are committed to continuously improving the skills of our colleagues. It’s not just an opportunity, it’s an expectation!
The motto of our Founder and CEO:
“A leader who blames circumstances for failure has not prepared for the circumstances.”
Contact us if:

If you are the owner of a business that is looking for a financial or professional investor, is facing a change of ownership due to a generational change, and your activity is related to agriculture, please feel free to contact us.
We currently have no open positions.